We’re making today’s post free for all readers on Substack, to give you an idea of what you’re missing through the week… happy reading!
SBF, the crypto king of “random probably bad ideas” can go to prison with the self-appointed epithet of ‘Depraved Super-Villain’ (CoinTelegraph) which is how he apparently views the perspective of a 50 years sentence in the slammer.
Elsewhere in the world of distributed fedklessness, 3AC Co-Founder Kyle Davies Says He Won’t Apologize For Crypto Hedge Fund Going 'Bankrupt' notes CoinDesk and CoinTelegraph Kyle Davies ‘Not Sorry’ For 3AC Collapse, Plans To Avoid Jail. Don’t even start me on these awful people.
It is after reading these stories unsurprising that The Register reports Crypto Scams More Costly To The US Than Ransomware, Feds Say.
Meanwhile ASIC in Australia have made a speech: Crypto And Digital Assets: Policy, Regulation And Innovation - Address By ASIC Commissioner Alan Kirkland At The “The Brief – Open Forum” As Part Of Blockchain APAC’s Policy Week.
Salary update: US Crypto Firms With $300,000 Pay Packages Much Higher Than Global Average (Bloomberg).
A tale of a corporation which survived a brush with team SVF: How Crypto Exchange Backpack Climbed Its Way To Success After Its Major Investor FTX died (Techcrunch) while lawfare sees Coinbase's Allies Join Crypto Firm's Case Against SEC (CoinDesk) / Advocacy Groups File Amicus Briefs Encouraging SEC To Write Crypto Rules (CoinTelegraph).
Euronext Will Not Enter Cryptoasset Trading Without Regulator Backing (Yahoo News Singapore) albeit the exchange doesn’t appear as vexed as Coinbase.
Finally, some will be wildly excited as BlackRock Begins Asset Tokenization With Launch Of Digital Liquidity Fund (CoinTelegraph).
From our sister publication, EI Weekend:
I was delighted to contribute an article to the Vermiculus newsletter last week on that fascinating topic, the move from T+2 to T+1 clearing as already undertaken by Russia and India while coming May 28th to Canada, Mexico and the world’s market leader by far, the USA.
As you will recall, settlement times have long fascinated me and while I still ponder real-time settlement, the move to settling in a day carries with it huge issues for conventional asset markets.
If you’re interested in some of the issues and how they may be resolved - check out the latest edition of the Vermiculus newsletter!
I also made a one minute video on the topic on Instagram / Tiktok / Youtube.
Elsewhere in Parish Notes we had some fascinating insights about exchanges and the future thereof from the FIA Boca Raton conference.
IPO-VID Livestream 137: Season 23: Episode 05
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024: 1700 UK, 1800 CET, 1300 EST
Modernizing Markets: Magnus Haglind
Magnus Haglind is SVP, Head of Marketplace Technology within the Market Platforms division of Nasdaq responsible for business management and product portfolio strategy across a broad suite of mission critical market infrastructure solutions for market operators.
Previously, Magnus’ high profile roles within the group have included Head of Global Commodities, and CEO of Nasdaq Futures.
Magnus holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Information Systems, and a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Watch the stream on:
Live on X - Link TBN
In the IPO-VID podcast episode #133, Patrick L Young was joined by an entrepreneurial qualified lawyer, Tiaan Bazuin.
Listen in as they delve into the intriguing topic of "Unlocking Namibian Growth.”
Now available from multiple different podcast sources:
EI Website
Google Podcasts
Apple Podcast
Does ASX + ASIC = Awful?
Gazza G Shoehorns Climate Regulation Into the US Securities Regulation Sphere
CBOE Says No Deal
DB1 Has A New CEO
And T Bond CCP Competition Is Coming To The USA…
20 years on from the first fintech bestseller “Capital Market Revolution!”… “Victory Or Death” is a must read book for anyone interested in the intersection of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech as part of the whole future of finance.
*Paid link, as an Amazon Associate, Exchange Invest earns from qualifying purchases.
In response to reader’s queries, we have added a book of the week column to the EI weekend edition - interesting books pertaining to exchanges and markets, investment et al.
- Anybody can sign up for EI Weekend for free at ExchangeInvest.com.
This week’s book was written by Niall Ferguson.
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World brings author Niall Ferguson’s signature clarity and expert lens to bear on appreciating that while many may resent the plutocrats of Wall Street, the evolution of finance has rivalled the importance of any technological innovation in the rise of civilization. Indeed, to study the ascent and descent of money is to study the rise and fall of Western power itself.
Get the book here.
*Paid link, as an Amazon Associate, Exchange Invest earns from qualifying purchases.
Suggestions welcome if you would like to nominate a book for us to cover!
Our next Book of the week will be unveiled Saturday in the EI Weekend Edition.
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